Posted: 25 May 2011
On Devotion

In this issue of the Dharma Dhrishti Journal we introduce a new approach to communicate teachings—a video journal.
Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Minling Jetsün Dechen Paldrön and Venerable Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche honoured the attendees of the Künzang Gongpa Zangthal empowerments at Lotus Garden Retreat Center in 2010 with teachings regarding empowerments. They graciously allowed students to pose specific questions and have a truly interactive discourse with their teachers. A question that prevailed most strongly dealt with devotion and its many aspects.
We have provided short video segments addressing this important and complex question. We hope you enjoy this video garland of gems and would appreciate hearing your response to this format.
We are extremely grateful to Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Jetsün Dechen Paldrön and Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche for providing these precious and profound teachings.
Through YouTube, we are offering closed captioning (CC) with subtitles and interactive transcripts in Czech, English, Spanish, French and Polish.